Student Life Easy- 100 words Paragraph for classes 9 & 10

The following paragraph is about Student Life. The word limit of the paragraph is about 100 words. I have used very easy English to explain in short everything about a student’s life. Read the paragraph carefully and try to write a paragraph on the topic. So let’s begin.

Student Life Paragraph

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Writing TypeParagraph
Word Limit100
TopicStudent Life
Topic Info Table

Student Life

We live and learn. But one part of our life is that we take lessons from our teachers. We read books and attend classes. This is our student life. Now we have the joy of learning new lessons. We get new friends and take part in games. We do social work and organize cultural programmes. But examinations worry us. We also prepare ourselves for the unseen future. Student life is a life of preparation. Now a student builds his character and health. He tries to form good habits and develop personal qualities. But student life is primarily meant for acquiring knowledge. What is devotion to a hermit is the study to a student.

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FAQ on Student Life

1. Who is a student?

Generally, a person who reads in a formal institution like a school, college or university is called a student.

2. How is the life of a student?

Students’ life is about learning and discipline.

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